The IPO Buzz: More than an IPO Pretty Face?

Moonshots and blockbusters conjure up excitement in IPO Valley. An IPO moonshot is an opening-day gain of 100 percent or more, while a blockbuster is an offering that aims to raise $1 billion or more. Facebook (FB-proposed) is a blockbuster. It remains to be seen if it will be a moonshot.
May 13, 2012 Read More

The IPO Buzz: Facebook (Finally) Plus 12 IPOs

Facebook (FB-proposed) dominated the news when it announced its IPO’s offering terms and a pricing date last week. The deal is set to make its debut on Friday, May 18. However we are getting ahead of ourselves. This week’s IPO calendar has a dozen companies waiting to get priced. But let’s take a quick peak at Facebook first.
May 6, 2012 Read More
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