The IPO Buzz: Hit the ‘Pause’ Button

This year’s IPO Labor Day break could not have come any sooner for the calendar. A quick look at the popular stock market indexes makes for unpleasant reading. But no matter what happens in the near future, IPOs will not be in play.
August 21, 2011 Read More

The IPO Buzz: After the Unthinkable

By now, everybody knows the final shoe on the U.S. debt crisis dropped late Friday afternoon. Standard & Poor’s cut Uncle Sam’s perfect credit rating. That move, which until just recently had been unthinkable, came after Wall Street’s closing bell on Friday. What will happen on Monday morning is anybody’s guess -– the United States has never traveled down this road. Japan has, Canada has, and each has muddled through. Now it’s our turn.
August 7, 2011 Read More

The IPO Buzz: Weathering the Storm

The U.S. debt crisis wrapped its fingers around the stock market and dragged it down to the sharpest single-week loss since the week ending Aug. 13, 2010. During this summer storm, the IPO calendar took its share of hits as well.
July 31, 2011 Read More

The IPO Buzz: Deals by the Dozen

If you think 12 IPOs on this week’s calendar is awesome, look in the rear-view mirror. Look past the Internet bubble of 1999/2000 all the way back to 1996. That was the busiest year for IPOs, when a record number of 874 were priced, according to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings. And 109 came in October of that year.
July 24, 2011 Read More
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