The IPO Buzz: Getting a Clue

By: John E. Fitzgibbon, Jr.
Last week’s traffic underscored the fact that we have a market for IPOs, not an IPO market. And that’s not all that bad. Wall Street has always been subject to change. The new-issues market has been known to give early warning signals when it’s coming back to life.
April 27, 2008 Read More

The IPO Buzz: Hot Commodities

By: John E. Fitzgibbon, Jr.
As the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse thunder through the Valley of IPOs this week, they’ll be joined by another noteworthy steed. This one does not bring conquest, war, famine and death. It brings life. It is Intrepid Potash (NYSE: IPI proposed) and it comes from the hot potash industrial sector.
April 20, 2008 Read More

The IPO Buzz: Size Matters

By: John E. Fitzgibbon, Jr.
During the dog days of a stock market pullback, size counts when it comes to pricing IPOs. This year’s first quarter for IPOs boiled down to one word — Visa (NYSE:V), a $17.9 billion blockbuster. This year’s second quarter for IPOs has yet to start, but when it does, there is another billion-dollar IPO on the calendar – American Water Works (NYSE: AWK proposed). It is looking to raise $1.6 billion.
April 13, 2008 Read More

The IPO Buzz: Behind the Headlines

By: John E. Fitzgibbon, Jr.
Will Rogers once said, “All I know is what I read in the papers.” But don’t believe everything you read from the financial media’s online news services. In early March, they were running gloom-and-doom headlines that a total of 61 global IPOs had been withdrawn in 2008. No mention was made of filings.
April 6, 2008 Read More

The IPO Buzz: Storm Tracking

By: John E. Fitzgibbon, Jr.
Yes, Virginia, there is life on Wall Street’s syndicate desks. It’s not in the form of IPOs, but in secondary offerings. And these creatures are far different than the IPOs we all know and love.
March 30, 2008 Read More
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