The IPO Buzz: More than an IPO Pretty Face?

Moonshots and blockbusters conjure up excitement in IPO Valley. An IPO moonshot is an opening-day gain of 100 percent or more, while a blockbuster is an offering that aims to raise $1 billion or more. Facebook (FB-proposed) is a blockbuster. It remains to be seen if it will be a moonshot.
May 13, 2012 Read More

The IPO Buzz: Facebook (Finally) Plus 12 IPOs

Facebook (FB-proposed) dominated the news when it announced its IPO’s offering terms and a pricing date last week. The deal is set to make its debut on Friday, May 18. However we are getting ahead of ourselves. This week’s IPO calendar has a dozen companies waiting to get priced. But let’s take a quick peak at Facebook first.
May 6, 2012 Read More

The IPO Buzz: Friday’s IPO Quintet

Five of this week’s seven new faces on the calendar are scheduled to start trading on Friday morning. And as the nursery rhyme says, “Friday’s child is loving and giving.” This is what the IPO handicappers are expecting from Friday’s offerings.
April 15, 2012 Read More

The IPO Buzz: Thursday’s IPO Countdown

Five of this week’s eight IPOs are scheduled to start trading on Thursday morning. That’s deep into the week. And as the nursery rhyme says, Thursday’s child has a long way to go. The IPO handicappers are not looking for any opening-day moonshots, but there are a few interesting names on the calendar.
April 8, 2012 Read More

The IPO Buzz: Flying the Tech IPO Skies

Technology was king in the U.S. stock markets during this year’s first quarter. The Nasdaq Composite Index posted an 18.7 percent gain for Q1, the best showing by any of the three major U.S. stock market indexes. In the background, the IPO Class of 2012 was up 32.8 percent and the technology sector scored a 58.8 percent gain. If this wasn’t enough, the world is anxiously waiting for Facebook to announce its offering terms and pricing date.
April 1, 2012 Read More

The IPO Buzz: Behind the IPO “March Madness”

It’s the IPO market’s own version of “March Madness.” This week’s traffic could be the busiest since December 2010. There are nine deals on the calendar, which puts the month on track to be the second-busiest March since 2000.
March 25, 2012 Read More
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