The IPO Buzz: Solo Act

By: John E. Fitzgibbon, Jr.
The Memorial Day holiday is usually a small speed bump on the IPO Highway. This year is no exception. After 23 companies went public in May, the month of June opens with just a single deal. It’s a carryover from May. But tiny Internet bubbles can be seen floating on the horizon.
May 29, 2011 Read More

The IPO Buzz: LinkedIn’s Legacy

By: John E. Fitzgibbon, Jr.
LinkedIn (LNKD) leaped into legend last week with a moonshot. The IPO skyrocketed for a 109.4 percent opening-day gain. You could almost hear eyeballs popping in Silicon Valley and hearts beating faster with anticipation of another wave of “insanity-dot-com” sweeping over the IPO calendar. And that set the stage for this week.
May 22, 2011 Read More

The IPO Buzz: The Dark Side of Networking

By: John E. Fitzgibbon, Jr.
Over the last two weeks, social networking IPOs made their long-awaited debuts in the IPO market. By Friday’s close, it was ugly reading. This doesn’t mean the game is over before it started.
May 15, 2011 Read More

The IPO Buzz: Trouble in China?

The IPO ship pulls into New York City’s harbor this week with 10 offerings looking to raise over $2.1 billion. The focal point will be on three deals coming from the People’s Republic of China. The Chinese IPOs have hit a speed bump.
May 8, 2011 Read More

The IPO Buzz: May Starts with a Bang

The May IPO market storms into town with all the excitement and thrills of a Chinese New Year parade. There are eight deals on this week’s calendar and another seven for next week. Collectively, they could raise as much as $3.2 billion. And there’s more. The Street expects fireworks from some of those 15 names.
May 1, 2011 Read More

The IPO Buzz: From China to the Cloud

By: John E. Fitzgibbon, Jr.
When words such as “cloud computing” and “China” wrap their fingers around an IPO these days, you can anticipate some aftermarket fireworks. 21Vianet Group (VNET – proposed) – a Chinese “cloud computing” company – heads up this week’s IPO calendar. The Street is calling it “the pick of the week.”
April 17, 2011 Read More

The IPO Buzz: Big Bucks at the Circus

By: John E. Fitzgibbon, Jr.
The IPO circus comes to town this week with eight acts on its card looking to raise over $1.8 billion. Zipcar (ZIP –proposed) and Arcos Dorados Holdings (ARCO – proposed) are expected to star in the center ring. Some even think Arcos, the world’s largest McDonald’s franchisee, could be the sleeper of the week.  
April 10, 2011 Read More

The IPO Buzz: Spring Cruise

By: John E. Fitzgibbon, Jr.
The IPO market cruises into the end of Q1 2011 with five deals on this week’s calendar. Two are carryovers from last week and there is one that is drawing a lot of attention. It is Apollo Global Management (APO – proposed). 
March 27, 2011 Read More
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