Helio Corp.

General Information

Note: This is NOT an IPO. This is a public offering – a unit offering of stock and warrants – and an uplisting to the NYSE – American Exchange from the OTC Pink Market. The stock trades under the symbol “HLEO” on the OTC Pink Market.. The last reported sale price for Helio’s stock on the OTC Pink Market was $7.20 a share  on March 7, 2025.

Helio Corporation is a technology, engineering and research and development (R&D) holding company serving commercial, government and non-profit organizations. (Incorporated in Florida)

Our wholly owned subsidiary, Heliospace, is an aerospace company specializing in the design, engineering, assembly and test of space flight qualified hardware, providing systems engineering, modeling, analysis, integration and test services to customers in government, commercial, private and non-profit markets. With deep expertise in civil space missions combined with a growing business serving commercial companies and the extensive background of one of our founders, Joseph Pitman, in advanced payloads for defense, our primary company objective is to enable humanity’s pursuit of the scientific and commercial development of space.

The cost of access to space has seen dramatic reductions in the past decade. The domain of space activities, once confined to low-earth and geostationary orbit, now extends to the Moon and beyond. There is a growing need for a diversity of systems and approaches tailored to unique applications and environments. With our current existing hardware, services and solutions, we aim to fill the needs and demands of these growing commercial and government activities in an agile, cost-effective and innovative manner.

Market Overview

The global space marketplace is projected to grow from $350 billion today to over $1 trillion by 2040 (Morgan Stanley, Citi forecast, 2021-2022). We believe the growing recognition of the commercial potential of in-space activities, sustained science and technology efforts by both government and private entities, together with defense agency priorities driven by increasing geopolitical concerns will continue to accelerate this trend. Our target market, Satellite System Manufacturing, is expected to have an average market size per year of $2.3 billion for Science & Technology, $750 million for Earth Observation, $5.2 billion for Space Domain Awareness and $1.5 billion for In-Orbit Services from 2025 through 2030 (according to our estimates based on Analysys Mason Ltd., Q4 2022 projections). We intend to continue expansion into the Science & Technology segment, for which we have a significant foothold with our existing products and services, to then develop new opportunities in Earth Observation and Space Domain Awareness for commercial, private and government organizations.

We have successfully scaled as a space hardware and services company providing solutions to government, commercial and non-profit customers. This includes hardware and services for over four active space missions and hardware deliveries for over three additional missions launching in the near term. We leverage decades of management experience developing hardware capabilities that were successfully used in space for NASA and other space agencies and organizations. Our current commercial-stage hardware includes deployable mechanisms, antennas, booms, structures, and sensors. Our hardware is generally custom designed to customer specifications, assembled, tested and delivered fully qualified and ready for flight as a complete end-to-end solution. Hardware development occurs at our main facility in Berkeley, California, with over 20,000 sq ft of facilities including assembly and test areas, R&D labs, clean rooms, and thermal-vacuum test equipment. We leverage existing relationships with an array of vendors and suppliers vetted under our internal quality control processes to support hardware construction. Our hardware production capabilities encompass a wide range of cost and performance, capable of meeting high reliability NASA flagship-class mission requirements down to innovative, low-cost solutions for emerging companies. Customers are typically engaged on a per-project basis with hardware solutions built to individual custom specifications. Project sizes range from large, $10 million+ contracts under cost-plus or fixed price terms paid monthly or by milestones, to small low-cost solutions costing in the $100,000 – $200,000 range performed under purchase order terms and paid at final delivery. See “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” elsewhere in this prospectus.

Examples of our space qualified hardware deliveries include:

Deployable radar antennas on the NASA Europa Clipper mission, which will probe the subsurface of Europa

•        Technology developed by Heliospace provided a low mass, small form factor solution for the radar antennas required for the NASA Europa Clipper Mission. The mission launched in October 2024. When stowed, our antennas are sufficiently compact to mount on the spacecraft solar arrays, thus simplifying the design and saving NASA significant cost. When deployed, these large dipole antennas extend to more than 55 feet in length. Heliospace designed, assembled, tested, and delivered these antennas under contract with Caltech as part of the Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding: Ocean to Near-surface (REASON) instrument onboard Europa Clipper. REASON is a dual-frequency ice penetrating radar instrument designed to characterize and sound Europa’s icy crust from the near-surface to the ocean, revealing the hidden structure of Europa’s ice shell and potential water within. Europa is one of the solar system’s most fascinating objects, where conditions for life may exist, making this an exciting mission for which we were able to provide critical technology. Large deployable mechanisms present a continuing challenge in the space industry for which we have specialized expertise and demonstrated capability. This work was conducted from 2017-2024 pursuant to an $11.8 million cost plus contract. These radar antennas are now fully deployed and operating successfully on the Europa Clipper mission.

Low-cost antennas for the NASA SunRISE CubeSat constellation

•        We developed a solution to provide NASA with a high quantity of compact antennas that will deploy from a constellation of CubeSat class spacecraft on the SunRISE mission. The mission is expected to launch in 2025, and is designed to image solar eruptions that impact space weather at the Earth causing satellite and communications disruptions. The Heliospace solution enabled four antennas to deploy to over 8 feet in length from each cereal-box size SunRISE CubeSat. Compact, deployable antennas and booms for small spacecraft remain a challenge in the space industry, and Heliospace has just been awarded a NASA Small Business Innovation Research Award to further commercialize this technology for broader use throughout the industry The SunRISE antennas were delivered over a 2-year period pursuant to a $1.1 million contract.

Deployable sensors and mechanisms for use on three lunar landers as part of the NASA Commercial Lunar Payload Services program

•        Our scientists and engineers developed a unique system that deploys four sensors on ballistic trajectories from a lunar lander at distances up to 60 ft, which will work with other instruments to explore the subsurface structure of the Moon. This unique solution is the first of its kind to be used in space for planetary geophysics investigations and has been selected to fly on two missions as part of the NASA Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program. The first mission carrying our hardware launched on January 15, 2025, aboard the Firefly Aerospace Blue Ghost Lander. These projects are ongoing with combined contract values of $1.37 million.

•        We provided four deployable antennas for a NASA experiment in lunar radio astronomy which flew on the Intuitive Machines (IM-1) lunar mission. They were provided in record time using a simple purchase order requisition, delivered to NASA and successfully deployed in-flight and on the Moon during the IM-1 mission.

After expanding our market into the commercial realm in 2023, we are currently providing an antenna calibration system for a lunar orbiter being built by Firefly Aerospace.

•        Under contract with Firefly Aerospace, we are designing, building, and delivering a deployable dipole antenna for the Blue Ghost Transfer vehicle, a lunar orbit mission which will provide a radio frequency calibration source. A lunar lander mission called Lusee-Night will then use this source to calibrate its radio telescope to perform astrophysics observations from the lunar far side. Our solution displaced another vendor’s offering due to its heritage and performance. In an expansion of our previous offerings, we are responsible for both the mechanical and radiofrequency testing and performance of the delivered hardware pursuant to a $1.1 million contract through 2024.

Prototype mechanisms for the Mars Sample Return program

•        In in 2023 and early 2024, while the program was active, we utilized our specialized system-level capabilities and awareness of the NASA Mars Sample Return architecture to play a key role in the design and testing of sample handling hardware involving sample transfer from the rover to an ascent vehicle from the Martian surface, and the subsequent transfer of that sample to an orbiting vehicle for eventual return to Earth.

Note: Net loss and revenue are for the year that ended Oct. 31, 2024.

(Note: Helio Corp. is offering 3.33 million units (3,333,334 units) at a price range of $4.00 to $5.00 to raise $15.0 million, according to its prospectus. Each unit consists of one share of stock and one warrant to buy one share of stock.)


Employees: 31
Founded: 2022
Contact Information
Address 2448 Sixth Street Berkeley, CA 94710 510-224-4495
Phone Number (510)-224-4495
Web Address https://helio.space/
View Prospectus: Helio Corp.
Financial Information
Market Cap $65.69mil
Revenues $6.89 mil (last 12 months)
Net Income $-1.86 mil (last 12 months)
IPO Profile
Symbol HLEO
Exchange NYSE - American
Shares (millions): 3.3
Price range $4.00 - $5.00
Est. $ Volume $15.0 mil
Manager / Joint Managers ThinkEquity
Expected To Trade:
Status: TBA
Quiet Period Expiration Date:
Lock-Up Period Expiration Date:
SCOOP Rating
Rating Change